Monday, 25 July 2011

Catch up in progress.

Still catching up on the blogs. It's going to take longer than I thought it would. Partly because of how many there are, but mostly because I'm pretty limited in the amount of time I get to spend online in this place. (I have to be REAL sneaky about it.)

So, since I don't see myself being completely caught up any time soon and I've been leaving comments on a few peoples posts (not that I've been getting any resposnses, you people better not all go dying on me just when I've found out you all exist!) that I'd make at least some kind of introduction.

My name is Steven Kare (pronounced Car, for some reason) although all my friends call me, used to call me, Teach. Even all my co-workers, which just goes to show how weird nicknames can be.

I was born and still live in the north east of england, in the city of Sunderland. Not that I expect many of you to have heard of it, since most of you are from the USA, and half the people in my own country seem to think anything in my area is part of Newcastle, and therefore "Geordie", but darn it, I'm a Mackem, and that's TOTALLY different!

Anyway...yeah, I'm- or rather, I WAS a primary school teacher (that's elementary school to you USA people.) Just knowing that, I'm sure a lot of you can guess how my story goes.

I got my Qualified Teacher's Status at the age of 22, and taught for 4 years. I had what I consider to be a pretty good life, I was pretty close to paying off my student bills. I lived with my fiance, and we had set a date and everything. I spent my free time reading comics, watching sci fi on TV, and other equally nerdy pass times.

And then I saw Him taking a child. Cue downward spiral, you all know how it goes. Like in my last post, I'd rather not get into it right now, maybe another time.

As for my current situation, well, as much as I'd like to be, I'm not really a Fighter, per say. Although I don't really have the option of Running either. I'm sitting here debating on how much to say here. I think I'll play it safe for now.

There seems to have been a lull in activity in the past week or so, in most of the blogs I've caught up with. If you ever read this, I hope you're all safe and sane.

Hang in there everyone.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Too Little Too Late

Hmm, I had no idea.

I had seen a lot of the stuff on youtube but,  obviously, at the time I thought it was all just some kind of game. If I had read all of the blogs I'm reading now, maybe I would have done things differently.

Maybe not.

Regardless, if you've come here after receiving or reading a comment from me to find out who I am, you'll have to forgive me. I find reading what's happened much more...interesting? No, that makes it sound cold, as if I'm enjoying reading the pain you've all gone through.

Far from it. I've shed more than a few tears reading your stories, and wish none of this had happened to anyone.

Productive maybe? No, again, that doesn't fit. Knowing what I know now can't help me in the situation I'm in. But I'll get into that another time. Cause I'm all mysterious and stuff.

Oh there we go. I'm reading instead of posting because I'd rather not have to think what happened to me. For now anyway.

You'll have to forgive my stalling tactics.